Urban Renewal

advanced massage and craniosacral therapies

At Urban Renewal Massage, we understand that each person is unique. Therefore, we develop treatment modalities specific to that individual.

Here at URM, in order to maintain the highest standards for our clients, we continue learning and advancing our knowledge of the latest body work therapy techniques. Our goal is to bring the highest quality of care to all the people we touch.

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3 tips for spring training

With spring giving way to summer, we work in the yard, intensify our workout regimen and generally become more active. I'd like to remind you to take care of your body so you don't get hurt. Here are three quick tips to protect your body this spring.

  1. Stretch and warm up before going full bore into repairing the fence that blew over during the last rainstorm. Other outdoor repair projects fall under this directive as well.
  2. Don't strain your back getting your yard ready for planting this year's flora. Bags of mulch tend to be heavy. Use teamwork, and slow your pace.
  3. Use common sense when working out. Especially if you don't have a competent trainer. We are coming out of a sort of hibernation and if we do too much to fast we increase our risk of getting hurt.

I always have an increase of personal injury patients when spring is in full swing. So be careful. Should you need my help, call me. I can help you get through the summer months.

peace and love,

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