Urban Renewal

advanced massage and craniosacral therapies

At Urban Renewal Massage, we understand that each person is unique. Therefore, we develop treatment modalities specific to that individual.

Here at URM, in order to maintain the highest standards for our clients, we continue learning and advancing our knowledge of the latest body work therapy techniques. Our goal is to bring the highest quality of care to all the people we touch.

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What supplements do I need?

Thinking about dietary supplements?

In the emails I send out each week, I include a little reminder that says , “Ask me about supplements, etc. . .” Kudos to all of you who inquire.

Continuing on the road to better health

Most of my patients are seeing me in an effort to regain their health and to improve their lives in general. The piece that is most often forgotten about is nutrition. You really are what you eat. So, exercise like crazy, quit smoking and drinking, get eight hours of sleep each night, reduce your stress. . . The list of applicable advice goes on and on, but what if you don’t change or improve what you put into your body? The phrase “spinning my wheels” comes to mind.

Enter, supplements

This where supplements can help. Supplements are so called because they supplement your diet. You can’t take a handful of vitamins daily and expect to get, be or stay healthy. It doesn’t work that way. You have to eat healthy, period. For many people, the food they consume is missing some of the nutrients we need. Therefore, they take vitamins to “supplement” their diet. Vitamins and minerals fill in the “holes” in our nutrition.

How do I know which supplements to take?

I can make it easy for you. I have an in-depth questionnaire, and all you have to do is fill out and turn it in. It works on a number system that is pretty accurate. I decipher the numbers from your answers and BAM! We have a plan for your specific needs. The system really works. Most people realize that they may only need a good multivitamin.

For the sake of full disclosure, I do not advocate taking a ton of vitamins daily. If you ARE taking a lot of vitamins, either your needs are very specific or you have been given some bad information. In any event, we discuss your particular needs one on one.

So ask me about supplements and, as we say in Brooklyn, "let’s tawk an' we’ll see what yous need!"

peace and love

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