the term "Natural Flavored Foods"
Just another way the FDA allows food companies to hide what really goes into what we eat.
We all know that here in the US food is a commodity. Like gold or oil it's traded on the market i.e. pork bellies, corn, wheat and coffee.
That means you have stock holders that want to make a profit. Ok so, to make a profit you have to create goods at the lowest cost possible.
Processing food is a great way to produce food cheaply. Ergo make a profit.
This came to my attention recently and I want to share this with you. Castoreum. A chemical additive used in food as a vanilla flavoring or scent.
Wanna know where it comes from?
Castor sacs located near the anal scent glands of the North American Beaver. Beavers use the secretion mixed with urine to mark territory.
And, oddly enough it smells like vanilla. Hmm Yummy. ( I want to know who was the first guy to sniff a Beaver's rear end)
Food companies can use this stuff in processing foods and all they have to list on the label is….
"natural flavor or flavorings".
Guess what? they're right because as far as I know beaver is natural and organic.
The FDA has a rule known as GRAS meaning Generally Recognized As Safe, which allows companies to list ingredients in an obscure way that lets us say: "Hey honey this vanilla ice cream says all natural flavor. Let's get some".
What does generally recognized as safe mean? My understanding is : "As far as we know there are no harmful side effects of eating these chemicals."
I'm sorry y'all but beaver castoreum is a little too natural for me.
If you have to go to a commercial grocery store please read the labels of what you're buying. MSG can be listed has "natural seasoning" "Splenda" can be listed has Sucralose and Beaver well you already know that now. Our food is laced with all kinds of stuff we have no business eating. It's no wonder why we are sick nation.
one love,