Urban Renewal

advanced massage and craniosacral therapies

At Urban Renewal Massage, we understand that each person is unique. Therefore, we develop treatment modalities specific to that individual.

Here at URM, in order to maintain the highest standards for our clients, we continue learning and advancing our knowledge of the latest body work therapy techniques. Our goal is to bring the highest quality of care to all the people we touch.

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Chuck Fluker LMT

Chuck Fluker LMT

Chuck has helped me with stress-induced headaches on more than one occasion. His expert care and professionalism are without equal.
— J.P., Tulsa

Chuck Fluker is a master level Medical Massage therapist with over twenty years experience in the healthcare industry. Chuck's work experience spans across multi-disciplines including: Radiation Oncology, Physical Therapy and Exercise Personal Training. Chuck is trained in CranioSacral Therapy, Somatic Release Therapy, Neuromuscular Therapy, Kinesio Taping, and has taught seminars locally in Tulsa, Oklahoma City and Texas.

Established in 1998, Urban Renewal Massage (URM) has always been a place of healing. Medical Massage, CranioSacral therapy and Myofascia Release therapy are just a few of the advanced techniques we offer.

At Urban Renewal Massage, we understand that each person is unique. Therefore, we develop treatment modalities specific to that individual. Here at URM, in order to maintain the highest standards for our clients, we continue learning and advancing our knowledge of the latest body work therapy techniques. Our goal is to bring the highest quality of care to all the people we touch.

Frequently asked questions

What should I expect during my first massage therapy visit?

You will be required to fill out a brief health history form. Then, the therapist will ask you general questions about what areas you would like worked on, if there are any conditions needing to be addressed, and to determine what type of body work is appropriate for you. 

It is important to list all health concerns and medications so the therapist can adapt the session to your specific needs. It is also important to make the therapist aware of any allergies you may have so the therapist can use a different oil or lotion during the session.

How can I benefit most from my massage?

Water intake 24 hours prior to your appointment and after the session is essential to receiving the optimal benefits from your therapeutic treatment. Following the instructions from therapist can help release tough areas of tension. It is important to communicate with the therapist during the session if anything is uncomfortable: pressure, temperature, lighting, music, or a particular technique.

Do I have to be completely undressed?

Depending on the type of bodywork you are receiving,you should undress to the level you are comfortable. For example, Myofascia Release (MFR) can be done with the client in shorts and T shirt or tank top, or complete bathing suit. CranioSacral therapy requires no disrobing. If you are undressed, you will be covered with a sheet.This is known as draping and only the part of your body being worked on is uncovered. Talk to the therapist, inform them of what makes you comfortable. 

What is CranioSacral Therapy?

CranioSacral Therapy (CST) is a gentle, hands-on approach that releases tensions deep in the body to relieve pain and dysfunction and improve whole-body health and performance. It was pioneered and developed by Osteopathic Physician John E. Upledger after years of clinical testing and research at Michigan State University where he served as professor of biomechanics.

Using a soft touch which is generally no greater than 5 grams “about the weight of a nickel“ practitioners release restrictions in the soft tissues that surround the central nervous system. 

By normalizing the environment around the brain and spinal cord and enhancing the body's ability to self-correct, CranioSacral Therapy is able to alleviate a wide variety of dysfunctions, from chronic pain and sports injuries to stroke and neurological impairment. 

Is there any condition for which CST shouldn't be used?

There are certain situations where application of CST would not be recommended. These include conditions where a variation and/or slight increase in intracranial pressure would cause instability. Acute aneurysm, cerebral hemorrhage or other preexisting severe bleeding disorders are examples of conditions that could be affected by small intracranial pressure changes.

How many CranioSacral Therapy sessions will I need?

Response to CST varies from individual to individual and condition to condition. Deciding how many sessions needed depends upon what is going on in your body, how you respond to treatment and your goals for therapy.

Your response is uniquely your own and can't be compared to anyone else's. The number of sessions needed varies widely. From just one up to three or more a week over the course of several weeks.

What is Myofascial Release Therapy (MFR)?

Fascia is a three dimensional webbing of connective tissue which covers every structure in the body down to the cellular level.  Releases occur by applying gentle sustained pressure into an area of restriction. Thereby releasing the restriction and facilitating elongation of the tissue, rehydration of the structure and healing can begin.

How is MFR Different than Other Forms of Bodywork like Chiropractic and Massage?

When receiving MFR your therapist will analyze your posture and look for restrictions in your body. Your practitioner works with you and will guide you to feel into the areas of restriction where they are working. It is a partnership where you and your practitioner work toward removing the restrictions so that your body will be able to heal. 

How Many Sessions Will It Take?

The number of sessions varies from individual to individual. Your result will vary even from persons with a similar condition. Deciding how many sessions needed depends upon what is going on in your body, how you respond to treatmentand your goals for therapy.

What can I expect from a treatment session?

MFR is gentle and extremely effective. Clients experience increased physical range of motion in addition to pain relief and improved posture. The treatment is hands-on with the client clothed in shorts and t-shirt or sports bra, bathing suit, etc.

Do you treat children?


MFR can be used to address the unique needs of children with sensory, behavioral, attention, and attachment challenges. MFR techniques are also helpful in treating children involved in sports. Children that present with vague symptoms like chronic abdominal pain, headaches, fatigue, and insomnia often respond favorably to MFR when standard therapies prove ineffective.  

Can this help me as an athlete even though i'm not injured?

Yes, because postural imbalances affect performance and can eventually lead to injury. Alternate musculature is recruited to overcome these inefficiencies. Over time,  these alternate areas of the body compensate, and they in turn become tighter and more injury-prone, creating another layer of problems in a self-perpetuating cycle. The MFR approach finds each of these compensatory layers throughout the body, and corrects posture to increase range of motion, flexibility, power and efficiency. In addition, the emphasis on developing focused physical awareness during treatment increases the athlete's ability to center and maintain physical awareness during athletic performance.

What is Kinesio Taping?

The Kinesio Taping Method is designed to facilitate the body’s natural healing process while allowing support and stability to muscles and joints without restricting the body’s range of motion. It is used to successfully treat a variety of orthopedic, neuromuscular, neurological and medical conditions. Both Kinesio® Tex Tape and the training protocol have shown results that would have been unheard of using previous methods and materials.

Kinesio® Tex Tape can be applied in hundreds of ways and has the ability to re-educate the neuromuscular system, reduce pain and inflammation, prevent injury and promote good circulation and healing, and assist in returning the body to homeostasis.

How does Kinesio Taping work?

The Kinesio Taping® Method is designed to facilitate the body’s natural healing process and to provide extended soft tissue manipulation to prolong the benefits of manual therapy administered within the clinical setting. Kinesio® Tex Tape is safe for populations ranging from pediatric to geriatric. By targeting different receptors within the somatosensory system, the tape alleviates pain and facilitates lymphatic drainage by microscopically lifting the skin. This lifting affect forms convolutions in the skin thus increasing interstitial space and allowing for decreased inflammation.

In some cases, patient treatment may require additional therapies to treat underlying conditions as well. The information gained from a detailed assessment of the patient will allow for the proper treatment protocol to be laid out. Kinesio® Tex Tape is a valuable part of this protocol. It can be used in conjunction with a multitude of other treatments and modalities and is effective during the rehabilitative and chronic phases of an injury as well as being used for preventative measures.

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